Once upon a time, a hot new director/writer named M. Night Shyamalan came on the Hollywood scene, stumping audiences worldwide with The Sixth Sense and brandishing a name for himself as one who would challenge moviegoers. Then he made another film, called Signs, and then Unbreakable, The Village, and before long each and every film created by M. Night Shyamalan fared worse than the last. It wasn’t just bad luck, it was horrific moviemaking.
Hollywood should have given up completely on him by now. But they have not.
Once upon a time, a hot new director/writer named M. Night Shyamalan came on the Hollywood scene, stumping audiences worldwide with The Sixth Sense and brandishing a name for himself as one who would challenge moviegoers. Then he made another film, called Signs, and then Unbreakable, The Village, and before long each and every film created by M. Night Shyamalan fared worse than the last. It wasn’t just bad luck, it was horrific moviemaking.
If you have forgotten about The Last Airbender, lucky you.
Hollywood should have given up completely on him by now. But they have not.
Universal Pictures’ will release M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit in September, 2015. The timing of the release should come as no suprise: Right after summer blockbusters have come and gone and right before Oscar hopefuls devour screens. If a studio was going to release a movie by a director who has disappointed time and again, the dead zone that is September is the time to do it, clearly.
M. Night Shyamalan’s The Visit will take viewers to grandma’s house, where secrets will be revealed and something frightening exists. Fingers crossed the movie is more like The Sixth Sense or Unbreakable, than The Village or After Earth.
Watch the trailer now for The Visit and place your bets.
M. Night Shyamalan, The Sixth Sense, Universal Pictures, Trailer, 2015, The Visit, M. Night Shyamalan Movies,