Disney is a company synonymous with the art of American animation. From their Golden Age fairy-tale adaptations such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Peter Pan to their innovative computer animated hits such as Toy Story and The Incredibles, it seems impossible to think of Disney as anything but a giant in the industry. There […]
Rants & Raves
Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star, The Initial Buzz on What Looks to be The Worst Film of 2011
Bucky Larson: Born to be A Star is releasing this Friday, September 9th, 2011 in theatres across the country. In an attempt to see what “buzz” surrounded the film I turned to Twitter. Here are some of my favorite’s tweets, and possibly the source of the best laughs of the year: @kaboski8 i hope […]
Film Rave: Magic Trip (Dir. Alex Gibney and Alison Ellwood)
The 1960s, a time of free love and drugs aplenty. The “hippie subculture” of this era took root around 1965, spawning a worldwide counter culture movement that still has remnants in today’s society. How this new subculture was established, and spread so quickly around the globe, can be attributed to a variety of factors. Ask […]
LAFF Film Review: The Bad Intentions (Las Malas Intenciones)
It is nearly impossible to ever pass up a film from Argentina (or partially in this case as Las Malas Intenciones is a combined effort of Argentina, Peru, and Germany). Why? Because they are more times than not excellent. The Bad Intentions keeps up the momentum of Argentinian cinema, and Germany and Peru as well, […]
LAFF Film Review: Familiar Ground (En Terrains Connus)
The dry humor that surrounds Familiar Ground (En Terrains Connus) is just that, dry–a lifeless, suburban enclave of Quebec where the most interesting amusement comes in the form of a giant blue inflatable something or other in front of a car dealership. This is not to say the film isn’t good, far from that actually. […]