Synopsis: In Observe and Report, Ronnie Barnhardt, the head of security at the Forest Ridge Mall, must stop a flasher who is disturbing the mall patrons.
Release Date: April 10, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Comedy, Action
Film Review
For a comedy, Observe and Report is seriously lacking in anything humorous. Rogen (Ronnie) is just short of terrible with no personality. He merely remains the same character the entire time and slowly becomes annoying to watch as the film moves along. Finding the actual plot of Observe and Report is merely impossible and it itself forgets what the point is about halfway through. By this time, you are wishing you had done something else with your time.
Score and Soundtrack
The soundtrack for Observe and Report adds absolutely nothing to the story or action. The songs continually feel unmatched to the action on screen and add zero emotional depth when the movie is attempting to be serious, or funny.
Comedy Factor
If it were not for the sidekicks in Observe and Report, specifically the character of Dennis, you would never laugh. The jokes are stale and just plain stupid most of the time. Observe and Report just goes to a place that is pathetic and glorifying of all that is not funny.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Jody Hill
- Screenwriter: Jody Hill
- Cast: Seth Rogen (Ronnie Barnhardt), Ray Liotta (Detective Harrison), Michael Pentildea (Dennis), Anna Faris (Brandi)
- Editor(s): Zene Baker
- Cinematographer: Tim Orr
- Production Designer(s): Chris L. Spellman
- Country Of Origin: USA