'My Bloody Valentine 3D' Review
Release Date: January 16, 2009
MPAA Rating: R

In the vein of older slasher movies, My Bloody Valentine 3D does not fail to keep one wanting more, but it does give a bit too much of the same thing. Overall the film is fun, as it does not take itself seriously and plays off the camp factor of many horror films of times passed. The 3D has its moments where it will make you jump in your seat but also disappoints. Where the film lacks is in its creativity. There is nothing new here and the methods employed by the killer become boring and redundant quickly, leaving you wanting something more and not delivering.
Special Effects

Blood and gore, and then some. It looks real, and it is disgusting. There is really no more that needs to be said.
Scary Factor

To be completely honest, My Bloody Valentine 3D is not scary. It will frighten you at times, and at others make you cringe from the goriness of a scene, but it will not actually scare you; sleeping after seeing it will be easy and welcomed for in the end you will find that you did not feel the need to cover your eyes and peek through two fingers once throughout. You know what is coming, and you expect it, as there is no real suspense or thrill involved.