Synopsis: A 16-year old boy decides to become the assistant to a vampire in a traveling circus.
Release Date: October 23, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Fantasy, Comedy
Film Review

Albeit this is an entertaining movie, but nothing really unique or striking goes on throughout. It follows the good vs. evil formula to a tee, and throws in a bit of the whole finding yourself and learning to stand up for what you believe themes, but the story itself is old and tired. The only new spin is incorporating the freaks into the mix but even they are a very small part overall of the plot at hand. Even with a dose of PG action the movie just never quite gives enough to satisfy completely, but it does not falter in making you feel it was a complete waste of time. Given this is the first installment is what may be a franchise you do feel a tinge of hope for what will come next in a sequel for that it seems is where the real fun shall begin. For now, you just get a tiny dose of enjoyment and a tone that is always fun and playful.

Special Effects
What is key when creating a world full of freaks is believability. Well, the freaks in this movie will have you believing that things you never imagined are possible. There is the snake boy, the bearded lady, the man with two stomachs, a woman who can regenerate her limbs, a VERY tall man, and yes, even a little person with the largest and tallest head I could ever fathom. It is this eclectic mix of characters that make up the world of the cirque, and within this world the unbelievable has been rendered with great detail and mastery of the special effects craft.

To start this I will say the beginning has some glitches in editing. But given some of the SRS to work with, it is completely understandable. The editor, Leslie Jones, completely redeems herself in the second and third acts. She swiftly cuts around and between the quick fast motion of the Vampires never missing a beat of the action. The tempo remains perfect and her choice in timing of shots is impeccable. Never one to linger too long on a specific character, or quickly cut away and back in scenes, you are always right where you should be on screen and in the moment of the story.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Paul Weitz
- Producer(s): Paul WeitzBrian HelgelandJohn C. Reilly (Larten Crepsley)
- Screenwriter(s): Josh Hutcherson (Steve)Chris Massoglia (Darren Shan)Jessica Carlson (Rebecca)
- Story: Patrick Fugit (Evra the Snake Boy)
- Cast: Salma Hayek (Madame Truska)Ken Watanabe (Mr. Tall)Orlando Jones (Alexander Ribs) Willem Dafor (Gavner Purl)Leslie JonesJ. Michael MuroWilliam Arnold
- Editor(s): Judianna Makovsky
- Cinematographer: Stephen TraskGentle Giant Studios
- Production Designer(s):
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s): Rhythm and Hues
- Music Score:
- Music Performed By:
- Country Of Origin: USA