Cinema Fearité Presents The Melodramatic Mystery Of ‘Dead Again’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Dead Again’ Cinema Fearité presents Shakespearean actor Kenneth Branagh doing melodratic schlock in ‘Dead Again.’ Writer/director/actor Kenneth Branagh is mostly thought of as a highbrow artist, a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts who has adapted both William Shakespeare and Agatha Christie for the silver screen. As an actor, he’s […]

Cinema Fearité Bids Farewell To Robert Axelrod With The Remake Of ‘The Blob’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Blob’ Cinema Fearité pays tribute to the late Robert Axelrod with ‘The Blob.’ This past weekend, a character actor named Robert Axelrod passed away. He was hardly a household name, but he was one of those journeymen actors who always kept working, earning his keep doing everything from voiceover work on […]

Cinema Fearité Goes Pre-Blair Witch With ‘The Last Broadcast’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Last Broadcast’ Before ‘The Blair Witch Project,’ there was ‘The Last Broadcast.’ Even though movies like Cannibal Holocaust and The Legend of Boggy Creek had done it before, The Blair Witch Project is generally credited with starting the whole found footage, faux-documentary style of horror filmmaking. But one year before, in […]

Cinema Fearité Presents One Of The Lesser Massacres, ‘Microwave Massacre’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Microwave Massacre’ Massacre Movies are not all created equal. For every ‘The Texas Chain Saw Massacre,’ there’s a ‘Microwave Massacre.’ When it comes to titling horror movies, the word “massacre” gets used a lot. Sometimes, the resulting movies launch classic franchises, such as The Texas Chain Saw Massacre or the Corman “Massacre” […]

Cinema Fearité Says Farewell To Peter Fonda With ‘Spasms’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Spasms’ Cinema Fearité pays tribute to Peter Fonda by revisiting his creature feature ‘Spasms.’ This past weekend, Hollywood lost one of its legends with the passing of Peter Fonda. Fonda was best known for starring with Dennis Hopper and Jack Nicholson in the counterculture classic Easy Rider, but he worked all over […]

Cinema Fearité Presents Rick Rosenthal’s ‘Bad Boys,’ Not Michael Bay’s
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Bad Boys’ Sean Penn put himself on the map as a serious actor with Rick Rosenthal’s ‘Bad Boys.’ The era of modern cable television can be confusing and frustrating. One could be surfing through the channel guide and see Gladiator, but end up watching a movie about underground boxing instead of Roman […]

Cinema Fearité Presents Another Tribute To Rutger Hauer With ‘Nighthawks’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Nighthawks’ Rutger Hauer upstages the hero yet again in Nighthawks. Last week, Cinema Fearité paid respects to the late Rutger Hauer with The Hitcher. Well, one movie isn’t enough to cover the career of one of the greatest character actors of his time. So, we’re doubling down on the Rutger this week […]

Cinema Fearité Pays Tribute To Rutger Hauer With ‘The Hitcher’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Hitcher’ Cinema Fearité pays tribute to one of the most beloved movie villains in history by taking a look at the late Rutger Hauer in ‘The Hitcher.’ Last week, Hollywood suffered yet another tragic blow with the untimely passing of Rutger Hauer. Hauer was a prolific character actor who showed up […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Twisting And Turning Timeline Of ’11:14’
Cinema Fearité presents ’11:14′ Director Greg Marcks plays with traditional narrative structure in the brilliant ’11:14.’ When done right, playing with a non-linear timeline can be an extremely effective cinematic storytelling tool. Pulp Fiction uses the jump around narrative ingeniously. Memento unfolds in reverse, a technique that works wonderfully in the context of a main […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Folk Horror Film ‘The Blood On Satan’s Claw’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Blood on Satan’s Claw” Cinema Fearitétries to get to the bottom of Folk Horror with ‘The Blood on Satan’s Claw.’ Ari Aster’s Midsommar (which is, by the way, one of the best movies of the year) has got everybody talking about “Folk Horror.” But what is that? Generally, Folk Horror derives […]

Cinema Fearité Presents ‘The Blair Witch Project,’ The Most Influential Movie Of The 20th Century
The Blair Witch Project is the most influential movie of the 20th century. Read on to find out why.

Cinema Fearité Presents ‘Dolly Dearest,’ The Original Bride Of Chucky
After Chucky and long before Annabelle, Dolly Dearest took its place as a killer doll movie to remember. And not only because there’s more than one killer doll to fear.

Cinema Fearité Presents Joe Spinell And Caroline Munro In ‘The Last Horror Film’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Last Horror Film’ Joe Spinell and Caroline Munro team up for the final time in ‘The Last Horror Film.” A few years back, Cinema Fearité took a look at the legendary William Lustig slasher Maniac, a dirty little 1980 movie that teamed New York everyman Joe Spinell (The Ninth Configuration, Cruising) […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Retro Time Capsule ‘Party Line’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Party Line’ Remember party lines? Cinema Fearité takes you back to those pre-internet days with the aptly titled ‘Party Line.’ A few years ago, Cinema Fearité explored the dated beauty of the landline telephone scam with 976-EVIL. But that’s not the only movie from the eighties about the pay-per-call culture. There’s also […]

Cinema Fearité Presents ‘Fight Club,’ A Movie Better Than Its Book
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Fight Club’ David Fincher’s genius elevates Chuck Palahniuk’s brilliance in ‘Fight Club.’ It’s not uncommon for an author to dislike a cinematic adaptation of their work. When the personal art is projected through someone else’s eyes, the results can go from simple disagreement (Bret Easton Ellis with Mary Harron’s American Psycho) to […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Hilarious B-Movie Gold Of ‘The Giant Gila Monster’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Giant Gila Monster’ More hilarious than horrifying, ‘The Giant Gila Monster’ is the epitome of a fifties science fiction B-movie. With the slick Godzilla: King of the Monsters roaring into theaters last week, Cinema Fearité thought it might be fun to take a look at the other end of the big […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Home Invasion Thriller Turned Quirky Romance ‘A House In The Hills’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘A House in the Hills’ Home invasion movies have never looked more romantic than in ‘A House in the Hills.’ When done well, nothing is scarier than a home invasion movie. Examples include The Strangers and You’re Next. However, it’s also easy for a home invasion movie to go south fast. Examples […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Creepy Kids Of ‘Village Of The Damned’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Village of the Damned’ Cinema Fearite takes a look at the gold standard of creepy kid movies, ‘Village of the Damned.’ Creepy kids have always been a staple of the horror genre. Sometimes it’s a single kid, like in The Bad Seed or The Good Son. Sometimes, it’s just a handful, such […]

Cinema Fearité Presents ‘Laserblast,’ With An Emphasis On The ‘Blast’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Laserblast’ In the post-‘Star Wars’ world, some sci-fi movies are good, and some are bad. And some are ‘Laserblast.’ Science fiction movie history can be neatly divided into two groups: pre-Star Wars and post-Star Wars. In the immediate aftermath of George Lucas’ groundbreaking (and blockbusting) phenomenon, production companies everywhere scrambled to capitalize […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Prototypical Roger Corman Flick ‘Creature From The Haunted Sea’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Creature from the Haunted Sea’ The third time’s a charm for Roger Corman with ‘Creature from the Haunted Sea.’ Remakes are almost as old as cinema itself, especially when it comes to horror movies (Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, anyone?). Sometimes they’re creative adaptations (Franck Khalfoun’s Maniac, the recent Pet Sematary), and […]

Cinema Fearité Presents The Neo-Noir Of Christopher Nolan’s ‘Memento’
Before Christopher Nolan brought the Dark Knight to life and mastered explosions, he brought the unforgettable neo-noir mystery Memento to audiences.

Cinema Fearité Bids Farewell To Lorraine Warren With ‘The Haunted’
A tribute to paranormal investigator Lorraine Warren, whose real-life inspired The Conjuring, Annabelle, and more movies, with The Haunted.

Cinema Fearité Presents A Different Side Of Funnyman Denis Leary In ‘Judgment Night’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘Judgment Night’ Cinema Fearite remembers the nineties with rap metal, flying bullets, and Denis Leary. The last few years, film fans and critics alike have been comparing the similarities between horror and comedy, thanks in part to the success of Jordan Peele’s Get Out and John Krasinski’s A Quiet Place. But not […]

Cinema Fearité Presents ‘The Plague Dogs’ – The Cartoon That Traumatized A Generation
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Plague Dogs’ Cinema Fearité explores the childhood nightmares of ‘The Plague Dogs.’ Everyone has a memory of a movie that scared the hell out of them as a kid. For some, it might be a short-but-memorable scene in an otherwise innocuous film, like “Large Marge” in Pee-wee’s Big Adventure or “Wanna […]

Cinema Fearité Presents Bela Lugosi At His Campiest In ‘The Devil Bat’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Devil Bat’ Bela Lugosi chews the scenery and plays with a mutant bat in ‘The Devil Bat.’ Thanks to his legendary performance in Dracula, Bela Lugosi has earned himself a spot on the Mount Rushmore of classic horror. But he’s more than just the Count; he’s played fake vampires (Mark of […]

Cinema Fearité Pays Tribute To The Late Larry Cohen With ‘It’s Alive’
Larry Cohen’s It’s Alive is much more than shock and schlock; it’s the Guerilla filmmaker showcasing his unique style with an unforgettable monster baby.

Cinema Fearité Says Farewell To John Carl Buechler With ‘Cellar Dweller’
The death of John Carl Buechler has rocked the horror world, but his legacy in special effects and directing live on, such as with Cellar Dweller.

Cinema Fearité Presents ‘The Butterfly Effect’
The Butterfly Effect effectively transports viewers through time and dives into chaos theory. And the hate the movie receives completely unwarranted. Here’s why.

Cinema Fearité Presents Ida Lupino’s ‘Outrage’
Outrage is a great example of Director Ida Lupino’s talent and vision, and how an exploitation B-movie of a sexual assault can shock and elevate.

Cinema Fearité Presents ‘The Being’
Cinema Fearité presents ‘The Being’ Cinema Fearité wraps up Women in Horror Month with Jackie Kong’s slimfest ‘The Being.’ Throughout the month of February, Cinema Fearité has been celebrating Women in Horror Month by showcasing the work of female filmmakers. So far, we’ve covered the erotic thrills of Kat Shea’s Stripped to Kill, the slashery […]