Synopsis: In Surrogates, FBI Agents investigate the murder of the man who created a high-tech surrogate program where people can purchase unflawed robotic versions of themselves. Release Date: September 25, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Science Fiction, Thriller Film Review Production In this world of freaky doll-like surrogates the term ‘plastics’ takes on a whole new […]
Science Fiction
Film Review: ‘Push’
To say Push is not very good is harsh. Its fault lies in following the plot and the backstory.
‘Gamer’ Should Be Avoided
As I walked out of Gamer, I immediately knew what I should write for the production portion of the review: avoid, avoid at all costs, save yourself.
The ‘Star Trek’ Reboot Succeeds With Action, Comedy, And Familiar Characters
As a prequel and reboot to the former Star Trek films and the Television series, Star Trek (2009) is anything but a strictly fan-focused endeavor.
Film Review: ‘Moon’
Moon is a rarity. It takes you on a journey that is thought provoking, mysterious, and wholeheartedly science fiction. You will have many questions, and many will be unanswered, but that is part of the enjoyment you get from watching Moon.