Synopsis: A rebellious teen finds a way to escape her miserable small town life by joining a roller derby league. Release Date: October 9, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Comedy, Drama Film Review Production Watching this movie is an experience. Everyone on screen is having such a great time it resonates into the audience. You […]
Film Review: ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife’
The one thing you need to know before you enter the theatre: bring a tissue, or three. You’ll need them.
Film Review: ‘Obsessed’
What we have in Obsessed is just something more of what you have seen before.
Film Review: ‘Horsemen’
Horsemen provides a decent mystery but is lacking on the thrills side.
Film Review: ‘Public Enemies’
Walking into Public Enemies, you may be expecting a fast-paced, thrill-filled, gangster movie. This is not how it is presented.