Disney is a company synonymous with the art of American animation. From their Golden Age fairy-tale adaptations such as Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Peter Pan to their innovative computer animated hits such as Toy Story and The Incredibles, it seems impossible to think of Disney as anything but a giant in the industry. There […]
The Golden Globes Nominees and Winners, 2012
The Award Season has officially begun with The Golden Globes airing on Sunday, January 15, 2012. The list of nominees is included below and come Sunday all of the winners updated as they are announced. Best Motion Picture – Drama **Winner** The Descendants Ad Hominem Enterprises; Fox Searchlight Pictures The Help DreamWorks […]
Film Rave: Outrage (Dir. Takeshi Kitano 2010 Japan)
It is a little alarming to hear people describe Takeshi Kitano’s latest, Outrage (Autoreiji), as a return to form, since it comes off the back of his masterpiece, Achilles and the Tortoise. What they means is that it’s a return to the straight Yakuza genre with which Kitano started his career, and into which he […]
AFI FEST 2011 Film Review: Alps (Dir. Giogos Lanthimos, 2011, Greece)
Giorgos Lanthimos’s Dogtooth caused quite a splash last year, so many were eager to see what queasy weirdness his latest would offer. Alps is barely less weird, somewhat less queasy, and just as opaque. Even more than his last film, it also teeters on the verge of being merely affected. A big crash of […]
AFI FEST 2011 Film Review: Faust (Dir. Alexandr Sokurov, 2011, Russia)
Sokurov concludes his Moloch trilogy, on evil and power, with a loose adaptation of Faust. So loose, in fact that one would be hard-pressed to recognize anything of the original save the name of the protagonist. He’s still a doctor, but poor, neurotic, and, after a while, fixated with a very young girl named Margarete. […]