Synopsis: Austrian fashionista Bruno travels America for his show.
Release Date: July 10, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Comedy, Mockumentary
Film Review
Here is a film that is ferociously ridiculous, outrageous, and thoroughly remarkable. It is full of comedy but also stages commentary on societal norms, inherited culture, pop culture, and morality. You never know what is going to happen to Bruno on his journey and as the film continues you just get one shock after another after another. It may appear staged at times but it is a mockumentary/narrative feature so this should be expected. Just sit back and enjoy the hilarity that is Bruno; and realize there is no preparing yourself for this movie. (Warning: If you cannot see the humor in society, its stereotypes and ideology, and realize that sometimes what we need is a humorous view on certain subjects to break down the barriers that exist between people, this movie may bother you at times if not offend.)
If at some point you thought there was a limit as to how far a comedian could go with a performance, think again. Sacha Baron Cohen embodies the character of Bruno with every inch of himself. The performance is not only completely over the top and fabricated out of every stereotype you can imagine for a gay male but it is also full of warmth and optimism. Bruno may be a character created to garner laughs from the viewer but do not be surprised when you start to actually feel something for him and his plight. Bruno is a man searching for the American Dream, in a very convoluted manner. In the end, you find that Cohen delivers such a magnificent comedic performance his talent for comedy is officially secure.
To remark on the comedy in this film is like asking if sugar is sweet to the taste. The amount of laughter you will experience is off the charts. To even discuss a specific scene would ruin the fun. Then again, every scene is incredibly funny. Just be prepared to laugh for the entire 90 minutes as the jokes fall right on top of each other. Oh, and there is no point in closing your eyes, or looking away for a moment, the scene lasts a very long time (you will know what I am referring to immediately upon viewing).
How this film received an R rating with many, but especially one, of the scenes included is shocking, and refreshing. It is unique purely for its ability to manipulate the MPAA.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Larry CharlesJay Roach
- Producer(s): Sacha Baron CohenAnthony HinesDan MazerJeff Schaffer
- Screenwriter(s): Sacha Baron Cohen (Bruno)Richard Bey (Himself)Ron Paul (Himself)
- Story:
- Cast: Scott M. DavidsJames ThomasAnthony HardwickWolfgang Held
- Editor(s):
- Cinematographer: Erran Baron Cohen
- Production Designer(s):
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s):
- Music Score:
- Music Performed By:
- Country Of Origin: USA