Synopsis: In this action-packed mystery thriller, Academy Award winner, Denzel Washington stars as Whip Whitaker, a seasoned airline pilot, who miraculously crash lands his plane after a mid-air catastrophe, saving nearly every soul on board. After the crash, Whip is hailed as a hero, but as more is learned, more questions than answers arise as to […]
AFI FEST 2012 ‘Young Americans’ Must See Movies: The International Sign For Choking, Somebody Up There Likes Me, and Starlet
The ‘Young Americans’ section of the AFI FEST program is a place where emerging U.S. filmmakers showcase their recent works to the festival audience in the hopes that they will win the coveted audience award prize. There are eleven films in the section for the 2012 festival, three of which have made an incredible impression […]
Second Kickstarter Campaign for The Iran Job Reaches Outstanding $66,000 for Distribution Funding
Amazing things do happen, and The Iran Job‘s path to success is independent filmmaking proof. In January of 2012 The Iran Job husband-wife directing team of Sara Nodjoumi and Till Schauder (Partner Pictures), raised an incredible crowd-funding goal of $100,000 on Kickstarter towards completion funds of their documentary. As of today, their second campaign […]
A Prelude to The Man With The Iron Fists, “The Encounter” Premieres Featuring RZA
The Man With The Iron Fists arrives in theates on November 2, 2012, from Eric Calderon and RZA, the creators of the smash hit “Afro Samurai.” A prelude to The Man With The Iron Fists has been released, to show the journey of the Blacksmith (RZA) on his way to China via a Dutch trading vessel […]
Everything Goes Boom in First Iron Man 3 Trailer
The Iron Man 3 trailer has been released. The easiest way to describe it is that everything seems to have gone to hell, thanks to a “terrorist,” played by Ben Kingsley. Seeing the Iron Man suits get blown up is one thing, watching Pepper and Tony get blown-back after his cliffside house gets demolished is […]