Alfred Hitchcock, renowned for his thrillers, has never been prominently associated with film noir. Certainly, he was never linked to noir as directors such as Fritz Lang and Otto Preminger were, yet his style is preeminently, demonstrably noir. Hitchcock’s first film noir, and fifth film made in the United States since his arrival in 1939, […]
Touch Of Noir: Top Ten Film Noir Villains
Film noir has known its share of villains, but these are the 10 best film noir villains to ever grace the silver screen.
Touch Of Noir: Humphrey Bogart Finds Himself ‘In A Lonely Place’
No actor is more associated with the genre of film noir or better suited to interpret its tropes than Humphrey Bogart. His filmography covers a wide range from comedy to westerns, but noir was his specialty. Playing shrewd, playful characters with strict moral codes inhabiting a corrupt world, Bogart appeared in more than twenty noir […]
Touch Of Noir: Nicolas Winding Refn’s ‘Drive’, A Film Worthy Of The Label Noir
Ahead of next week’s release of Nicolas Winding Refn’s latest film Only God Forgives, which reunites him with Drive star Ryan Gosling, it is only fitting to explore the deep film noir roots of the intensely stylish, highly acclaimed Drive. It’s not surprising that Refn won the prize for Best Director at Cannes with this […]
Touch Of Noir: Fritz Lang’s Noir Nightmares ‘Scarlet Street’ and ‘The Woman In The Window’
Film noir was born from the evocative shadow play of German Expressionism. As one of the greats of Expressionist cinema, it is only fitting that after fleeing the Nazis Fritz Lang would reinvent himself by making highly stylized noir films in Hollywood. Fritz Lang is best remembered for his classics Metropolis and M, but […]