Synopsis: In 1892, a legendary Army captain reluctantly agrees to escort a Cheyenne chief and his family through dangerous territory. Release Date: December 22, 2017 MPAA Rating: PG-13 Genre(s): Adventure, Drama Film Review Production In his relatively short Hollywood career, writer/director Scott Cooper has tackled the music drama (Crazy Heart), the revenge movie (Out of […]
Cinema Fearité Presents ‘Don’t Answer The Phone!’ – Just Another Eighties Slasher Imploring You To Not Do Something
A while back, Cinema Fearité celebrated horror movies that urge audience to not do things, like Don’t Look in the Basement, Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark, Don’t Look Now, and even Don’t Open Till Christmas. This week, we’ve got another movie that’s bossing you around, this time with an exclamation point à la mother! […]
Cinema Fearité Presents ‘Let’s Scare Jessica To Death’ – A Hauntingly Slasherific Psychological Vampire Thriller
The seventies were one of the coolest decades in horror history. There were slashers, occult movies, vampire flicks, psychological thrillers, and old-fashioned ghost stories. And sometimes, as in the 1971 classic Let’s Scare Jessica to Death, there’s a lot of subgenre overlap. Let’s Scare Jessica to Death is about a woman, of course […]
Cinema Fearité Presents ‘Frenzy’ – Vernon Sewell’s Non-Hitchcock Noir Thriller
A few months back, Cinema Fearité waxed upon the confusion that sometimes can be inspired by horror movie titles when we compared Witchtrap to Witchboard. But what happens when two movies from different decades share the same name? We saw it with the non-Chucky Sidney Lumet movie Child’s Play. We saw it with movies called […]
‘Blade Of The Immortal’ Bookends A Hero’s Journey With Some Epic Battles
Synopsis: Manji, a highly skilled samurai, becomes cursed with immortality after a legendary battle. Haunted by the brutal murder of his sister, Manji knows that only fighting evil will regain his soul. He promises to help a young girl named Rin avenge her parents, who were killed by a group of master swordsmen led by ruthless […]