Synopsis: A young girl discovers a secret door in her home that transports her to an alternate version of her life that appears to be perfect but time reveals it is anything but perfect.
Release Date: February 6, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Children and Family, Animation
Film Review
Although the film is visually remarkable and inventive the story is not very exciting. It takes you from the real world into a fantastical place where a child’s dreams appear to be fulfilled, but only if one is willing to let go of their soul. The eyes are seen as the gateway to the soul and in order to live within this fantasy world Coraline must have her eyes removed and replaced with buttons. What at first seems to be the greatest place to live turns into a living nightmare, but not one that really makes you fear for her safety or future. It does make you happy that finally there is some sort of suspense and action, albeit towards the very end. Any form of remark about the film is sure to be the “look” of it, not the actual story and/or plot.
he film as a whole is visually stunning. By playing with color in the two worlds of the film the emotions, desires, and personality of characters are directly evident. Coraline is entrenched in the brightest blues and yellows while her ‘real’ world is gray and dull, a barren landscape. The fantasy world of the witch is rich with vibrant colors and life making it more desirable to the free spirited and spunky Coraline. Upon all of this rich texture and detail hides an ominous presence and the idea that nothing is ever what it appears to be. The animation uses all of its abilities to the fullest, making the film a delight for the eyes.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Henry Selick
- Producer(s): Henry SelickDakota Fanning (Coraline Jones {voice})
- Screenwriter(s): Teri Hatcher (Mother/Other Mother {voice})Jennifer Saunders (Miss Spink {voice})Dawn French (Miss Forcible {voice})
- Story: Keith David (Cat {voice})
- Cast: John Hodgman (Father/Other Father {voice}) Christopher MurrieRonald SandersPete Kozachik
- Editor(s):
- Cinematographer: Bruno CoulaisThey Might Be GiantsGentle Giant Studios
- Production Designer(s):
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s):
- Music Score:
- Music Performed By: Stop Motion
- Country Of Origin: USA