Synopsis: In 2012, An academic researcher leads a group of people to try and stop the apocalyptic events predicted by the Mayan calendar.
Release Date: November 13, 2009 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Science Fiction, Apocalyptic
Film Review
2012 Is World Destruction Like Only Roland Emmerich Can Deliver
Why waste time, lets destroy everything from the start. That could be the mantra for 2012. After a brief introduction to some characters and a small dose of backstory on how the government saw the end coming years before d-day, 2012 jumps right into absolute destruction. From the sunny southern California coastline to Washington D.C. the United States of America takes the brunt of the destruction. So much for Viva Las Vegas or the tropical oasis that is (was) Hawaii.
As for the rest of the world, the outcome is no better. Even if most of there annihilation is caught on television from the United States. The actual personal stories of people are generic. Some will meet their maker, others prove their selflessness, and some will find greed has consequences. A great portion of 2012 is dedicated to one family, as is typical for a world destruction movie. You also have many goodbyes and tears to loved ones left behind. Regardless, it is one hell of a ride watching the World as we know it disappear before our very own eyes.
The script for 2012 is very generic in that it is not going to deliver anything really new to the science fiction, world destruction apocalypse genre. Same plot as has come before, same characters, and so on. There is one thing I absolutely loved. You have to wait until the very end to get it but I believe that Roland Emmerich and Harald Kloser have a great sense of humor. Just one word is all I can say for now…Africa. The have-nots may just have something after all when the world is destroyed in 2012.
Special Effects
Nothing is ever perfect. Look closely and you can always find a flaw somewhere. This can be said for the effects in 2012 but as a casual viewer, you will be hard pressed to notice, or even remember. For the scenes that are absolutely without a doubt amazingly awesome shall overcome any others that did not live up to your expectations.
The crumbling of Los Angeles is outright spectacular. Watching the homes in Beverly Hills crumble (with a great rear-view mirror shot from a vehicle) is delightful. Yes, delightful. There is something cathartic about watching Los Angeles sink into the ground. Maybe it is the way in which the constantly overcrowded, smog-ridden freeways topple or seeing the famous coastline fall into the sea. The best part of it all, is you are seeing it from above for the most part. Flying high above the city as it is swallowed.
2012 may focus much of its world demolishing on Southern California but others are not spared. Watching The Sistine Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica fall in Vatican City is miraculous. Or seeing the gigantic waves cascade over landmasses, killing and destroying everything in their way. Any way you look at it the effects in 2012 are a sight to behold.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Roland Emmerich
- Screenwriter(s): Roland Emmerich, Harald Kloser
- Cast: John Cusack (Jackson Curtis), Oliver Platt (Carl Anheuser), Woody Harrelson (Charlie Frost), Amanda Peet (Kate), Thandie Newton (Laura Wilson), Danny Glover (President Wilson), David BrennerPeter S. ElliotDean SemlerBarry Chusid
- Editor(s): Shay Cunliffe
- Cinematographer: Harold Kloser
- Country Of Origin: USA, Canada