Synopsis: CIA officer Evelyn Salt is accused of being a Russian spy.
Release Date: July 23, 2010 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Action,
Film Review

Evelyn Salt is a spy. Is she bad or good? That question is what makes Salt such an enjoyable, fast-paced, action thrill ride. Throwing away the need for strong dialogue, but heavy on back story, the film produces one simple thing: action.
At first, when Evelyn Salt is accused of being a Russian Spy working within the U.S. government, her only goal appears to be to contact her husband. Her concern for his life occupies a great deal of her motivation and it does not always come across as genuine. The occasional flashbacks with the two of them fall too heavily on the melodramatic side of things and I must say, your eyes roll. Thankfully the film makes up for this by delivering a second and third act full of intensity that gives little time for anything but shocking stunts. When Angelina Jolie forgoes the sensitive side for the all out action heroine the viewer finally accepts Salt for what she is: one hell of a spy with incredible abilities and MacGuyver-esque skills. Getting to try and guess whether Salt is indeed working for the Russians is answered somewhat early on but it only opens up a wealth of new twists and turns to keep the momentum of the film going until the very climactic finish. Which just happens to include one of the most creative ways to strangle someone I have ever seen on film. You will never know exactly what motivates Salt and where she is going to lead you next. Making this a film that has succeeded in fulfilling expectations.

Action Sequences
See Salt [insert action here]. This film proves there is nothing that cannot be done. A human body can jump from semi-truck to semi-truck, in traffic, without breaking a bone. Take down armed man after man without missing a step. Build a bomb with cleaning supplies and office furniture, in mere minutes, and block cameras with a pair of underwear. That last one may not be action motivated but it was quite funny and resourceful. Salt is quick on her feet. She knows everything before everyone and each move she makes is extremely calculated. The action never lets up throughout the film and each sequence delivers something new for the viewer. Sitting idly by while Salt runs amuck is impossible and you would not want to anyways because joining her on the ride is a great deal of fun.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Phillip Noyce
- Producer(s): Kurt Wimmer
- Screenwriter(s): Angelina Jolie (Evelyn Salt)Liev Schreiber (Ted Winter)
- Story:
- Cast: Stuart BairdJohn GilroyRobert ElswitScott Chambliss
- Editor(s):
- Cinematographer: James Newton Howard
- Production Designer(s):
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s):
- Music Score:
- Music Performed By:
- Country Of Origin: USA