Synopsis: A hot tub transports four friends back to the 1980s.
Release Date: March 19, 2010 MPAA Rating: PG-13
Genre(s): Comedy,
Film Review

The premise is absolutely ridiculous. Come on, a time traveling hot tub, really? But it works wonders for this outrageous comedy that is at times vulgarly delightful and at others sweet on sentiment (the former being greater, of course). The movie revolves around four men. Three of which have been friends since the 80s, and one who is only 20 years old and was conceived in the 1980s. Sounds a tad bit familiar on one angle but it uses the references from other time traveling films, Back to The Future (Robert Zemeckis 1985) most specifically, as a form of pastiche rather than parody or mockery. It embraces the humor of time travel and the ideas of the butterfly effect; showcasing on the idea we have all muttered once or twice in our lives, “If I could go back I would do this, or that, or never …”. The four men are thrust back to one night in 1986 and left to their own devices on whether to follow the same pattern they did before or break the rules and gamble on the future. There may not be much substance to the plot essentially but in the end it is all about the humor and that is perfectly fine.

Comedy Factor
“It’s like the friend who is an $@@^*)%, but he’s our $@@^*)%”, says Nick (Craig Robinson) when referring to his “best” friend Lou (Rob Cordry). Thus begins the comedy of the film and it never goes away. There are absolutely no limits to what the characters say in this movie and no limit to how much you may laugh when hearing or seeing them in action. The antics and jokes are stupid. There is no denying that. But they are just high enough on the stupid meter, if there is one, to where you cannot stop yourself from letting out a good chuckle or a from the gut cackle. Plus, if you find yourself sweet on 1980s pop culture nostalgia you will have an even larger set of fun as so many references are made it is hard to keep track. My personal favorite: the lead nemesis is named Blaine. If you see the humor in that then you are definitely in for a treat.
Cast and Crew
- Director(s): Steve PinkJohn Morris
- Producer(s): Josh HealdSean AndersJohn MorrisJohn Cusack (Adam)
- Screenwriter(s): Rob Corddry (Lou)Craig Robinson (Nick)Clark Duke (Jacob)
- Story: Crispin Glover (Phil)
- Cast: Lizzy Caplan (April)Chevy Chase (Repairman) George Folsey Jr.James ThomasJack N. GreenBob Ziembicki
- Editor(s): Dayna Pink
- Cinematographer: Christophe Beck
- Production Designer(s):
- Costume Designer:
- Casting Director(s): Mr. X
- Music Score:
- Music Performed By:
- Country Of Origin: USACanada